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Will Your Favorite Rapper Post Your Bond?

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When I watch this testimony about a former BMF member, it reminds me of how much it bothers me every time I hear the Rick Ross BMF song on the radio.  A person with a fake persona is able to spread the lies about a lifestyle he never lived to the masses while influencing children and adults. 

Rick Ross is a former Correctional Officer that is just a great actor who stole his material from inmates while ear hustling their stories.  In Hollywood he would have to pay these inmates for the rights to their stories.  That is why he was sued by the real Rick Ross for getting rich off his name.  Unfortunately the real Rick Ross lost.

The fact that he is a fraud of persona does not bother me as much as the fact that he influences millions of people and glorifies a lifestyle that feeds the very system he used to work for.  Many do not realize that the prison system is big business and modern day slavery.  In hindsight I wouldn't be surprised of Rick Ross and people like him are mascots for the prison system business.

Smart people that I have come across that have really lived the lifestyle Rick Ross glorifies, downplay it.  It is not something they are proud of and they are glad to have found a way out; an alternative means of feeding their families.

Thank you to Rasha Entertainment for bringing this video to my attention.  Check out his spin on the video: http://rashaentertainment.com/ex-b-m-f-member-seeks-salvation-in-god/

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