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4 Month Old Abused and Murdered and Thrown Away

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I was driving late this afternoon and heard an interesting report on the Micheal Baisden Show. This report described the most disturbing treatment of a child that I have ever heard. I have worked wit abused children, and I have friends that are now adults who were once abused children, so I have heard it all.

My heart skipped a beat when they described how a 21 year old man (Richard McTear) threw a four month old baby (Emanuel Wesley Murray) on the concrete and later threw the baby out of a moving car onto I-275.

That story is quite horrific, but take a look at the back story:

We have the mother(Jasmine Bedwell) a 17 year old girl, who had a four month old baby boy by a man currently serving a prison sentence.

This same 17 year old girl had the stress of dealing with a violent ex-boyfriend who had previously threatened the life of her infant.

Family members say McTear had threatened to hurt the baby in the past.
"He told her last month he was going to kill her baby, going to shoot her baby," said a family member.
In April, McTear's ex-girlfriend filed a court injunction against McTear for domestic violence.
However, the case was dropped when she did not show up for court.

WDBO Local News

I am not making any judgments, but I am just wondering why no one forced this girl to go to court. That trip may have saved the life of this child. Being that Jasmine Bedwell was a minor, there had to be someone around that had to at least feel responsible for her well being.

The prison system is a sad epidemic for American families. It is quite obvious, but if this father was free this probably would have never happened. Why is he locked up and most improtantly; WHY IS A 17 YEAR OLD MIXED UP IN MORE DRAMA THAN ANY ADULT SHOULD HAVE TO BEAR?

It was no secret that Richard McTear had violent history. Why was he even allowed to date a 17 year old? This does not make sense. Grown women don't need to deal with someone like him. Many fathers are not around, but what about cousins, brothers, and uncles.

McTear had previously been arrested on charges including felony battery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and domestic battery by strangulation. According to the Florida Department of Corrections, McTear was sentenced to two years probation in June 2008 on a felony battery conviction. An arrest warrant was issued when he failed to report.

Associated Press

Someone I once knew had her baby taken away from her as she was a minor because she would not break away from an abusive relationship. Child services should have intervened with this case. Eventually people will be listed as registered abusers and not jut sexual predators. How many lives could be saved? How many childhoods will be free of scars(mental and physical)?

Please know that I am not passing judgement; I am just wondering WHY?

Constantly Candace

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